Healthy lifestyle habits can be applied in a variety of everyday life . By applying a variety of healthy lifestyle , body expected not to get sick or to various diseases . So that the various routines and jobs will feel more comfortable . Drinking tea is one of the healthy habits that can be practiced in everyday life . Health tips this time will review the various benefits that can be derived by a person from drinking tea in improving the health of the body throughout the day . Here are 7 hidden benefits of tea for your health.
- Tea can ward off cancer. The content of antioxidants in tea is very beneficial for cancer-causing free radicals. Moreover, antioxidants also play a role in inhibiting the aging process of the skin.
- Tea Highly Effective Nor Preventing Heart Attack Stroke. Drinking tea regularly can nourish the artery and removes the plaque attached to the various arteries. In addition, drinking tea can prevent blood clotting on.
- Tea For Your Bone Health. Improve bone health should be a priority that must be done every person. A study revealed that drinking regular terh for 10 or more may improve bone health as well as strengthen your bone mass.
- Tea Helps Your Teeth Healthy. The content of fluoride and tannins in tea serves to reduce the accumulation of plaque on your teeth. Both materials are also very good to strengthen teeth that are not easily porous.
- Tea Can Boost Your Body Immune System. Allowing myself to drink tea every day had a great impact in improving the immune system or the body's immune. So the body is not prone to various diseases.
- Tea Effectively Help Your Weight Loss Program. This is because, with regular tea drinking will increase your metabolism working system in your body. Thus burning calories in the body will also experience an increase in significan.
- Tea Not Harmful to Your Body Health. This is because, in addition to no calories, tea can also be one drink to get enough fluids in your body. So the risk of lack of body fluids can be eliminated by drinking tea more often.